Is Prostate Cancer Genetic?

by | Apr 12, 2019 | Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer happens when abnormal cells begin to grow in the prostate gland. The prostate gland is located below the bladder, directly in front of the rectum in men. According to the American Cancer Societyprostate cancer is one of the most common cancers among American men, with more than 174,000 new cases and 31,000 deaths every year. About 1-in-9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lifetimes.

Signs and Symptoms

Unfortunately, there are very few signs of early prostate cancer. Because of this, it often gets diagnosed in more advanced stages, making it more difficult to treat. Advanced prostate cancer may cause symptoms that can alert patients or doctors of the condition. Common symptoms of advanced prostate cancer are:

  • Problems urinating adequately
  • Pain or weakness in the legs
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control

Causes of Prostate Cancer

Pinpointing the cause of prostate cancer can be difficult, but several risk factors increase the chances that a man will develop the condition, including:


Prostate cancer is most common among men over the age of 65 and least common among men younger than 40.


Prostate cancer is most common among men of African-American and Caribbean descent.


Lifestyle has a big impact on the risk of prostate cancer development. Eating a diet high in red meats and fats and low in fruits and vegetables, increases the risk of prostate cancer development. Additionally, diets high in calcium and dairy also increase the risk.

Genetic Causes

Prostate cancer can be linked to genetics because a lot of men who develop the condition also have family members who had it, and they’re likely to pass it on to their children. This is due to a genetic mutation that causes prostate cancer development. The mutation gets passed down through the family, increasing the risk for future generations of men to develop the condition. Genetics does not guarantee that you will get prostate cancer, but it can determine if you are at high risk, medium risk, or low risk of developing it.

Depending on your risk level, your doctors will recommend different testing guidelines for the cancer. Your genetic background should especially be taken seriously if you’ve had one or more men in your family with prostate cancer.

Early Detection Through Testing

Because there are so few signs of prostate cancer development, it’s difficult to diagnose the condition early on. Most cases that get diagnosed based on symptoms alone are in advanced stages. Early testing can help with this issue. Doctors can perform a PSA blood test and a transrectal ultrasound to check for prostate cancer. Doctors recommend getting tested at regular intervals for prostate cancer starting at age 50.

Men with relatives who have had prostate cancer are advised to get tested earlier and often. This starts with open and honest conversations with your doctor about your family medical history and any symptoms you are experiencing.

Expert Prostate Cancer Treatment in Miami

If you have a family history of prostate cancer, want to get tested for the condition, or are seeking treatment for it, consider the CyberKnife Center of Miami. We are among the most advanced prostate cancer treatment centers in Miami and we can help you navigate the challenge of prostate cancer with compassionate expertise and solutions.

Call (305) 279-2900 to make an appointment today, or request a consultation with our online form and learn more on our website