Harold’s Prostate Cancer Story: Why I Chose CyberKnife Radiation Therapy Instead of Surgery   

When Harold was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer he wasn’t surprised even though he didn’t have any symptoms.

“My dad died of prostate cancer, so I knew it was a possibility. He had symptoms, but he ignored them and never mentioned it to anyone, nor did he get treated until it was too late.”

Harold wasn’t about to let that happen to him.

His doctor, Board Certified Urologist, Dr. John Mekras kept a close watch on Harold’s PSA level, and when it went up, a biopsy confirmed he had prostate cancer.

Harold says, “A scan showed the cancer looked to be pretty much contained and encapsulated within the prostate.”   

The next step was deciding how to treat it.

“Dr. Mekras explained all my choices, including surgery, but CyberKnife Radiation Therapy sounded like the best option because it could take care of it easily, quickly and effectively.”

“I went straight to the CyberKnife Center of Miami and they took me in right away. I met with the team and they set up my treatment plan immediately.”

CyberKnife Miami’s Medical Director, Board Certified Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Mark Pomper says, “We did 3 CyberKnife radiation treatments on Harold to specifically target and destroy the tumor. He now is undergoing some additional lower intensity whole area radiation treatments to hit the adjacent areas in case any of the cancer cells escaped.” 

Harold says, “I’m delighted we have CyberKnife technology to take care of prostate cancer so easily. I had a CyberKnife treatment on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and that should take care of it because the cancer is quite localized and my doctors felt that was the way to go.”

“I read about this kind of focused radiation technology, and the CyberKnife machine is very impressive. The apparatus moves all around your body while hitting just the tumor site from different angles. I asked if I could bring in two video cameras to record the procedure in time lapse, and they let me. Each CyberKnife treatment takes about 45 minutes but you can see the whole thing in about 35 seconds with my time lapse video. The links are posted below. Enjoy the videos.”

“I so appreciate that this technology is available. I didn’t feel a thing during the CyberKnife treatment. I have a little soreness from the whole radiation therapy but it’s going away. We are living at an unbelievable time, the opportunities we have in medicine to treat things like prostate cancer is amazing.”

“But what my wife and I loved the most is the incredible professionalism and responsiveness from everyone at CyberKnife Miami. From Dr. Pomper to Mario Tobon the Radiation Therapist, to Maria Borgen, the Scheduling Coordinator who set everything up for us. They made it all so easy. I haven’t seen anything like that in a long time. Everyone was so thorough and carried through on every little detail. It’s quite the contrast from what you sometimes experience in the medical world today.”

“There was not one thing that was negative or that I was nervous about at all. I want everyone to know about CyberKnife and the CyberKnife Center of Miami. It’s such a positive experience.” 

“Like most people, when you are diagnosed with cancer you tend to appreciate everything in life a lot more, and I certainly do.”

If you have prostate cancer and are looking for a safer, just as effective and faster noninvasive cancer treatment contact the CyberKnife Center of Miami. 

We promise to get you in right away, treated as quickly as possible and make the process as easy as possible so you can get cancer behind you and on with your life cancer free. 305-279-2900 & go to our website now 


#1 Time Lapse Video for Prostate Cancer Treatment 

#2 Time Lapse Video for Prostate Cancer Treatment