Most Commonly Asked Questions About CyberKnife for Prostate Cancer

by | Nov 14, 2020 | CyberKnife For Prostate Cancer

As the 1st and only free standing CyberKnife Center in South Florida, our doctors have treated more men with CyberKnife for Prostate Cancer than any other medical center anywhere near us.

Because our medical team, including our radiation oncologists are the most experienced with CyberKnife technology we are the leader in non-invasive prostate cancer treatment.

Nobody one does it better and we go above and beyond putting our patients first. Our compassionate caring team holds your hand, and your family’s through the entire process.

We set up your appointments, work with your other doctors, help sort out your insurance if necessary and even help you find hotel accommodations if necessary, and afterwards we follow up with you to see how you’re doing.

Our team will leave no questions you have unanswered.

We’ll explain everything clearly so you know what to expect.

Here’s something else we do. We answer the phone and return phone calls and emails as soon as we can get back to you.

We understand that cancer is scary. We will help you through it as easily, quickly, effectively and safely as possible so you can get cancer behind you and on with your life.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

How is prostate cancer treated?

It varies from patient to patient and is based on the stage of your cancer, your age and overall health.

Traditional treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, cryosurgery, hormone therapy and/or radiation therapy, and quite possibly a combination of these treatments.

We will talk to you about all your options and help you determine which is the best treatment plan for you, whether that is CyberKnife or not.

If not, we will point you in the right direction.

What are the side effects of prostate cancer treatments?

The side effects can differ as well and depend on which treatment option is best for you.

Some of the most common side effects men worry about most may include impotence and incontinence.

They are more common with surgery, along with the risk of infection and the danger of undergoing general anesthesia.

How is CyberKnife different from other treatments for prostate cancer?

The biggest difference, CyberKnife is non-invasive.

There is no cutting, incisions, bleeding, anesthesia, pain or catheters.

The CyberKnife is not a knife at all. It’s cutting-edge radiation technology also known as Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT).

It delivers powerful doses of radiation with pinpoint accuracy to the tumor from hundreds of different angles, destroying tumors while leaving surrounding healthy tissue unharmed.

All you have to do is lay on the CyberKnife table for about 45 minutes, listen to music, take a nap, while the CyberKnife does all the work.

The CyberKnife was designed to treat cancer effectively in a faster, easier, safer way, while maintaining quality of life.

It typically requires 5 radiation sessions compared to 42 treatments with other types of standard radiation therapy.

Side effects may include mild fatigue after the treatment session, which usually goes away within a few days, some urinary discomfort and possibly some rectal irritation. These are all managed with over the counter medications or cranberry juice.

Decades of studies involving hundreds of thousands of patients have shown   CyberKnife to be 97-percent effective at curing prostate cancer, producing extremely low levels of toxicity.

Preservation of sexual and urinary function remains the same for most patients after treatment.

For all these reasons, CyberKnife is the number one treatment choice for men with prostate cancer.

Am I a candidate for prostate cancer treatment with CyberKnife?

That depends on how early your cancer was detected.

CyberKnife is best suited for patients with early to intermediate stages of prostate cancer. The pathology report Gleason Score of 3+3=6, 3+4=7, or 4+3=7 are likely good candidates for CyberKnife radiotherapy.

Our oncology team will examine every aspect of your case and help you make the treatment choice that’ll give you the best chance of an excellent outcome.

If you think we can help you, call the CyberKnife Center of Miami.

Even if your doctor tells you CyberKnife is not an option for you, call a CyberKnife expert for a second opinion, just to make sure. We will let you know one way or another.

We have consistent, positive, proven results for prostate cancer treatment.

Our doctors and team are happy to talk to you and answer all of your questions. Call (305) 279-2900 and go to our prostate cancer website now to learn more or schedule an appointment

Heres More Info About Prostate Cancer Testing

How Do I Know If I Have Prostate Cancer

Health screenings can indicate to the physician if there are any issues related to the prostate. The primary test used in most cases is known as the Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, which uses a patient’s blood sample to determine the level of PSA. PSA is a substance produced by the prostate gland. Higher than normal PSA levels (over 4.0ng/ml) can be a warning of an infection in the prostate, enlargement of the prostate gland, or prostate cancer.

Patients may also receive a digital rectal exam (DRE). The doctor inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to examine the prostate gland. The doctor is identifying if there are any abnormalities in the texture, shape or size of the prostate.

Another test is called transrectal ultrasound. The physician inserts a small probe into the rectum. The probe emits sound waves that produce an image of the prostate gland. Again, the doctor is looking for abnormalities in the shape or size of the prostate.

If a doctor performs one or more of these screenings and is concerned that the patient may have prostate cancer, he/she may request a prostate biopsy. A biopsy is the removal of 6-14 tissue samples from the prostate for pathological evaluation. A biopsy can provide the diagnosis and grade of prostate cancer. This is called the Combined Gleason Score (CGS).

What does the grade” of prostate cancer indicate?

Gleason grade scores range from 1 to 5 and are based on the degree of differentiation among the cells. Grading is identified with the following cell types.

– Grade 1 – Small, uniform cells that are packed close together.

– Grade 2 – Cells exhibit various sizes and shapes that are loosely packed.

– Grade 3 – Cells are larger in size and exhibit more shape irregularity, less distinction between cells.

– Grade 4 – Large, irregular fused cells.

– Grade 5 – Irregular shapes, fused cells that have spread to connective tissue cells.

What are the different stages of prostate cancer? How are they 


The most commonly used staging system for prostate cancer is known as the TNM system. (T) describes the extent of the primary tumor, (N) describes whether cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, and (M) indicated the absence or presence of metastasis. “Metastasis” refers to the spread of cancer cells from the original site to another part of the body.

There are four categories that describe the prostate tumor’s (T) stage, ranging from T1 to T4, also identified as Stage A to D.

– T1/Stage A: The cancer is microscopic, affecting only one side of the prostate, and cannot be felt by the physician.

– T2/Stage B: The doctor can feel the mass with a DRE, but the cancer is isolated to the prostate gland on one or both sides.

– T3/Stage C: Cancer has spread to nearby tissues surrounding the prostate gland.

– T4/Stage D: Cancer has spread to other organs of the body. This stage can be deadly.

How can you determine if cancer has spread?

A doctor may perform a special blood test known as a Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) blood test to determine if the disease has spread beyond the prostate. Other methods include a computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and radionuclide bone scan to help determine if the prostate cancer has spread to other organs.

There’s also a test to determine if the disease has spread to the lymph nodes or other soft organs called a ProstaScint scan. However, the test’s reliability can be low, so the doctor may simply request a lymph node sampling if there is a high suspicion of spreading.

These tests are usually only necessary if a patient exhibits T3/Stage C or higher.