Cyberknife the Race Horse Continues Educating the World About CyberKnife Technology Through His Off Spring

by | Oct 16, 2024 | CyberKnife Treatment For Prostate Cancer

The first off spring of Cyberknife the race horse that won two major races was sold at auction for $230,000.
The filly’s father, was named Cyberknife by his owner, Al Gold to help spread the word about the technology after being successfully treated for prostate cancer with CyberKnife radiation therapy.

“When I was first told I had cancer, fear overtook all logical thought. Will I survive, what kind of treatment will I have, what about my family? Learning about the CyberKnife System gave me hope for my future. CyberKnife was a simple, pain-free treatment that enabled me to continue enjoying my life. Grateful to the successful treatment, I named my most promising horse Cyberknife.”
After winning the Haskell Stakes and Matt Winn Stakes Cyberknife was retired as a stud horse. It is hoped his off spring will go on to win many races and continue to educate the world about CyberKnife technology.

CyberKnife Treatment For Prostate Cancer
The CyberKnife System features a linear accelerator mounted to a robotic arm that is specifically designed to deliver radiation beams from potentially thousands of unique angles, targeting only the tumor while minimizing radiation dose to healthy tissue.
It is this precision, made possible by the system’s robotic arm and continual tracking and automatic synchronization of the radiation beam, which makes such a difference for patients. In fact, CyberKnife accuracy is sub-millimeter, meaning its pinpoint precision is less than the thickness of a coin, even as the prostate moves unpredictably.

CyberKnife Technology is Like No Other
The CyberKnife System is the only radiation delivery device that can detect when the prostate moves and using artificial intelligence, synchronize the treatment delivery beam to the prostate’s new position in real-time throughout the entire treatment session.

Dr. Mark Pomper, CyberKnife Miami’s medical director says CyberKnife has a 98% cure rate for prostate cancer.
“There is a general thought among surgeons that surgery is better for men under age 60 because of radiation’s long-term effects may cause problems years later, like impotence and incontinence, but that’s not what research is proving. Surgery has long term effects too. CyberKnife has few side effects. Its pinpoint radiation beams hit only the prostate so we can give a much higher dose with a lot fewer treatments, leaving healthy surrounding tissue unharmed. There’s over 20 years of published studies supporting the effectiveness and safety of CyberKnife for prostate cancer,” 

CyberKnife Causes the Least Disruption to Your Life

CyberKnife treatments can be done in five radiation therapy sessions over 10 days. That is compared to up to forty-two over several months with other types of radiation treatments.
The CyberKnife radiation beams, which target and destroy the tumor, are so precise. That means there is less risk of side effects including impotence and

Call the most experienced CyberKnife team in Miami at the Cyberknife Center of Miami – The Beam Of Life at 305-279-2900 to see if we can help you.

Here’s the link to see Cyberknife’s filly at the horse auction: