Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Prostate Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Prostate Treatment Miami

CyberKnife Disadvantages for Prostate Cancer

Did you know, a big lifestyle change you can make to reduce your risk of prostate cancer is to have more sex. That is right: more sex.

Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk with Sexual Activity

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, staying sexually active can reduce your risk of prostate cancer. In fact, any kind of sexual activity can decrease your chances of prostate cancer. Here is what we mean. Two studies show men who ejaculate with or without a partner were up to two-thirds less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer. (It is okay you can blush at the thought.)

While doctors do not know the reasons, experts theorize ejaculation may clear the body of toxins and substances that cause inflammation. Inflammation in the body increases your chances of developing cancer.

Aside from sexual activity, there are other practical ways to reduce the risk of prostate cancer as well.

Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk by Maintaining a Healthy Weight

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, there is a link between obesity and an increasing risk of advanced prostate cancer.  

Obesity elevates insulin and leptin, a weight-related hormone, levels are higher in overweight individuals, and that can spur the growth of cancer cells. 

For overweight men, lower levels of testosterone can increase the risk of prostate cancer. Chronic inflammation can also increase the risk of cancer.

A Swedish study found a strong link between men who gain in their younger years and developing prostate cancer. In fact, gaining weight before the age of thirty increases the risk of prostate cancer death by 27%.

“We do not know if it is the weight gain itself or the long duration of being heavier that is the main driver of the association that we see. Nevertheless, one must gain weight to become heavier, so preventing a steep increase in weight in young men is imperative for the prevention of prostate cancer,” says Dr. Marisa da Silva, of Lund University according to an article in The Guardian.

Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk with Diet and Exercise

An exercise program – even walking regularly – can reduce inflammation and improve immune function. Both lower the risk of cancer, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Increasing your vitamin D intake can protect against prostate cancer. So, eating foods high in vitamin D – like wild salmon – can help, as can spending some time in the sun.

Reducing fat in your diet and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables are good ideas too. 

Lycopene – found in cooked tomatoes – has been shown to slow prostate cancer cell growth. Eating soy may lower PSA levels, and drinking green tea may also lower your risk of prostate cancer. 

Keep in mind charred meat can release a cancer-causing chemical compound. So, eat it in moderation. Smoking can also increase your risk of prostate and other cancers, so consider quitting.

Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk with Screenings

Knowing your prostate cancer risk factors is also important. 

African American men, those of Scandinavian descent and anyone with a family history of prostate cancer is at an increased risk of developing the disease. Get screened early, starting at age 40, if you fall into any of those categories.

Otherwise, men should start screening at age 55. 

If prostate cancer is found, know you have treatment options.

CyberKnife Treatment for Prostate Cancer

The experts at the CyberKnife Center of Miami are here to help you make the right decision for your particular needs. 

CyberKnife Miami offers state-of-the-art radiation treatment for prostate cancer called stereotactic body radiation therapy or SBRT.

CyberKnife is noninvasive. There is no risk of infection and no extended periods of downtime like with surgery. CyberKnife’s treatments can be done in five therapy sessions over 10 days instead of 42 over three months with other types of radiation treatments. The CyberKnife radiation beams, which target and destroy the tumor, are exceedingly precise so there is a reduced risk of side effects including impotence and incontinence.

And CyberKnife has a 98% success rate for prostate cancer.

CyberKnife Treatment Miami

At CyberKnife Miami, we have successfully treated hundreds of prostate cancer patients from across the country and right here in South Florida with excellent results. 

If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, call CyberKnife Miami for a consultation. 

If you would like to find out more about prostate cancer treatment with CyberKnife, call us at 305-279-2900 or go to our prostate cancer website now for more information.