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CyberKnife Miami: Prostate Cancer

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Living with Prostate Cancer

Living with Prostate Cancer

Learning that you or a loved one has been diagnosed with prostate cancer can be a harrowing experience. Your first reaction may be one of shock, dismay, and fear for what the future holds. But once the initial realization and distress subside, the resolve to beat the...

Side Effects of Prostate Problems

Side Effects of Prostate Problems

Every man dreads hearing the words “prostate problems.” Chances are, by the time the words are uttered, symptoms have already appeared. The need to get up 2-to-3 times a night to urinate, followed by the inability to do so, are the most common signs...

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    “Research proves CyberKnife is as effective as standard radiation using 5 treatments instead of 42 with few if any side effects.”

    – CyberKnife Miami Radiation

    CyberKnife Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery

    Want to know more about the #1 prostate cancer treatment in Miami? This informative video will tell you how it works and what to expect.

    Patient Testimonials