Cyberknife Wins in One of the Most Thrilling Horse Races in History!  “We were battling the whole stretch”

by | Jun 13, 2022 | CyberKnife For Prostate Cancer, CyberKnife Treatment For Prostate Cancer

Cyberknife beat Howling Time by the slimmest of noses in an epic battle down the Churchill Downs homestretch on Sunday winning the Matt Winn Stakes. 

Howling Time was the favorite and many figured it was a cakewalk for the colt, but Cyberknife wasn’t going to let that happen.

Howling Time gave Cyberknife all he could. While he took the immediate lead out of the gate, Cyberknife gave chase, rolled up confidently beside Howling, pounced on him and set storm as both colts blazed full tilt toward the finish line. 

The two rivals exchanged some light bumps and drifted back to the rail as they battled toe to toe down the lane. 

Howling Time appeared to eke out an advantage inside the final sixteenth only to have Cyberknife claw his way back to get his nose in front on the line.

Howling Time was resilient, refusing to let Cyberknife gain an advantage to his outside and in the end, only a photo could declare the winner because the finish was too close to call with the naked eye. 

Cyberknife’s winning jockey Florent Geroux said, “Cyberknife broke a little slow, but I was able to get him into a good position. He was traveling well and Howling Time was really game on my inside. We were battling the whole stretch. I couldn’t tell which one of us won but I’m glad it was Cyberknife.”

Jockey Joe Talamo, aboard Howling Time, said, “You can’t get a more brutal beat than that.”

Cyberknife, the official winner by a nose raced 11/16 miles on a fast tract in a swift 1;41:98/ Bearing gold square colors, the colt earned the second graded-stakes win of his career. 

Cyberknife is still a developing 3 year old, his trainer Brad Cox said “I think he making good progress and ran hard today. We got on the right side of a tight race. Cyberknife is a horse that I think we are looking to take the next step. He’s a sound, happy horse and he’s growing up. We’re excited about him as a prospect throughout the rest of the year.”

The Owner of Cyberknife Named Him After the Technology Used to Treat His Prostate Cancer That Saved His Life

“When I was first told I had cancer, fear overtook all logical thought. Will I survive, what kind of treatment will I have, what about my family? Learning about the CyberKnife System gave me hope for my future. CyberKnife was a simple, pain-free treatment that enabled me to continue enjoying my life. Grateful to the successful treatment, I named my most promising horse Cyberknife,” said Al Gold.

The CyberKnife Difference – Stays on Target Every Treatment, Every Patient. Automatically

The CyberKnife System is the only radiation delivery device that can detect when the prostate moves and using artificial intelligence, synchronize the treatment delivery beam to the prostate’s new position in real-time throughout the entire treatment session.

The CyberKnife System features a linear accelerator mounted to a robotic arm that is specifically designed to deliver radiation beams from potentially thousands of unique angles, targeting only the tumor while minimizing radiation dose to healthy tissue. It is this precision, made possible by the system’s robotic arm and continual tracking and automatic synchronization of the radiation beam, which makes such a difference for patients. In fact, CyberKnife accuracy is sub-millimeter, meaning its pinpoint precision is less than the thickness of a coin, even as the prostate moves unpredictably.

CyberKnife’s True Odds: 98% Cure Rate for Prostate Cancer 

Here is the best part if we are talking odds: CyberKnife has a 98% cure rate for prostate cancer. That is no-long-shot, according to Dr. Mark Pomper, board-certified radiation oncologist and medical director of the CyberKnife Center of Miami.

“There is a general thought among surgeons that surgery is better for men under age 60 because of radiation’s long-term effects may cause problems years later, like impotence and incontinence, but that’s not what research is proving. Surgery has long term effects too. CyberKnife has few side effects. Its pinpoint radiation beams hit only the prostate so we can give a much higher dose with a lot fewer treatments, leaving healthy surrounding tissue unharmed. There’s over 20 years of published studies supporting the effectiveness and safety of CyberKnife for prostate cancer,” says Dr. Pomper.

Cancer Treatment Miami

If your doctor recommends radiation for prostate cancer, the experts at the CyberKnife Center of Miami can help.  In fact, a 12-year study presented at the 2020 American Society for Radiation Oncology meeting, reported that SBRT, the type of radiation used by 

CyberKnife, has high rates of long-term cancer control with mild toxicity.

  • It is quicker and has a high safety profile.
  • It causes less disruption to patients’ lives.
  • It is noninvasive.
  • No need for anesthesia or cutting.
  • It does not come with the risks of surgery like infection and prolonged periods of downtime.
  • CyberKnife treatments can be done in five radiation therapy sessions over 10 days. That is compared to up to forty-five over three months with other types of radiation treatments.
  • The CyberKnife radiation beams, which target and destroy the tumor, are so precise. That means there is less risk of side effects including impotence and
  • incontinence.

If you would like to find out more about prostate cancer treatment with CyberKnife, call us at 305-279-2900 or go to our prostate cancer website now for more information.

CyberKnife for the Win!

Mr. Gold and Cyberknife, his horse, are true real-life inspirations for both horse racing buffs and prostate cancer patients.

Join us as we will be watching and cheering Cyberknife on during all his upcoming races.

Of course we are hoping to see many more victories, however even more importantly, we hope for a victory for every prostate cancer patient in South Florida, nationwide and around the world.

Like Cyberknife, the racehorse, our goal is to get you to the finish line first. We put patients first, helping them get back to their lives, faster.

Call the most experienced CyberKnife team in Miami at the CyberKnife Center of Miami 305-279-2900