CyberKnife Disadvantages for Prostate Cancer? The Science Says Otherwise

CyberKnife Disadvantages for Prostate Cancer? The Science Says Otherwise

If you’re like most prostate cancer patients or if someone you love has prostate cancer, there’s a strong likelihood you’ve played “Dr. Google.”   You know exactly what we mean. You’ve done search upon search about treatments, survival rates, staging, cures, side...
Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatment: Is the First Treatment Plan Really Best?

Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatment: Is the First Treatment Plan Really Best?

For men diagnosed with prostate cancer, the path to the right treatment isn’t always a straight line. Sometimes there are twists and turns or even detours. But it’s important for a man facing prostate cancer to find the best, medically appropriate, treatment for him....
Dangers of Watching & Waiting: Why Early Prostate Cancer Treatment is Best

Dangers of Watching & Waiting: Why Early Prostate Cancer Treatment is Best

You are diagnosed with prostate cancer. It’s believed to be slow-growing, localized, small, not causing symptoms and in general low-risk to some degree.   Your doctor says you can take a “watchful waiting” approach. That means you would opt not to treat the cancer,...