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CyberKnife Miami: Prostate Cancer
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Prostate Cancer Treatments: Hear Directly from Our Patients
For many men, a prostate cancer diagnosis leads to shock and fear especially when they think about how treatment options, surgery in particular, may affect sexual health and urinary function. The experts at the CyberKnife Center of Miami -- a state-of-the-art cancer...
Prostate Cancer: Is Cutting it Out a 100% Guarantee?
Surgery is no different when it comes to prostate cancer treatment. No matter what treatment you have, there is always a chance it can come back.
Recurring Prostate Cancer: Don’s Treatment Choice
While it’s scary to hear your prostate cancer has come back, take comfort in knowing recurring prostate cancer is very treatable.
What is the Best Radiation Treatment for Prostate Cancer?
Keep in mind, not all radiation is alike. Do your research to decide which is best for you.
A New Way to Check for Prostate Cancer?
Detecting prostate cancer more accurately can save lives and a new blood test appears to do that.
Prostate Cancer Treatment: Can Chemo & Surgery be Avoided When Treated with CyberKnife?
Yes, prostate cancer can often be cured easier, faster, safer and effectively without surgery.
What are the Chances of Prostate Cancer Returning After Radiation?
Why would you put yourself through surgery when you can cure prostate cancer noninvasively with radiation therapy, which has the same success rate and greatly reduces the risk of the cancer coming back?
Prostate Cancer: Don’t Watch and Wait
If you were told you had a ticking time bomb in your body that you could just observe and see what happens or you could remove it and go on with your life – what would you do? Would knowing it could go off at any moment constantly keep you up at night? If you’re like...
What Happens When Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer Stops Working?
When hormone treatment for prostate cancer stops working or if a man cannot tolerate the side effects of hormone treatment, rest assured, there are treatment alternatives available. But before we talk about alternatives to hormone treatment for prostate cancer, let’s...
Prostate Cancer Treatment: CyberKnife in Conjunction with Surgery & Chemo
It’s no secret that the best chance to successfully beat prostate cancer is to catch it early and treat it right when it’s caught. About 84% of prostate cancers are found in the early stages. That’s when the cancer is localized to the prostate or has just spread to...
“Research proves CyberKnife is as effective as standard radiation using 5 treatments instead of 42 with few if any side effects.”
– CyberKnife Miami Radiation
CyberKnife Robotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Want to know more about the #1 prostate cancer treatment in Miami? This informative video will tell you how it works and what to expect.
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